Callie’s Rules by Naomi Zucker

On Callie’s  her first day in sixth grade, she notices that there are lots of rules- unwritten rules- like don’t ride your bike to middle school. Everyone else seems to know the rules except Callie, so she decides to write her own rules.

As Callie notices changes in her social world, there are also changes abrew in town as the parents of her snotty classmate Valeri Van Dine decide to do away with traditional Halloween celebrations- like kids decorating the store front windows, like an afternoon of no school so they can all view the windows, like the town Halloween costume parade. Valeri’s mother wants to have a Harvest Festival instead, because she thinks Halloween is a Satan driven festival. Callie and her family want to save Halloween. How can they celebrate the way they want and avoid getting in trouble with the Town Council? This is fun realistic fiction.

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